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Old 08-05-2009, 06:00 PM
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stoner63 stoner63 is offline
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Its very interesting to hear all of your different personal experiences with the various forms of "attack" and emergency drills you had in school, especially the ones from Europe and Australia.
I grew up in NY. In elementary school we had nondescript "bomb" drills where we were escorted into the halls in 2 orderly lines. We then were told to kneel in front of the wall with our heads touching the floor where it met the wall and cover our heads with our folded arms, hands locked behind our necks.
No explanation or other instructions were given...ever.
Fire drills were also a parade ground maneuver to the recess area where we were organized to face the school.
Insanity !!!
Were we supposed to watch while it burned ?! Who was going to evac us ?!
They never discussed it.
In high school there were several bomb threats and they were treated like fire drills. Again, we still oriented to face the school and not 20 yards away.
Had these people not heard of shrapnel ?
I graduated in 1985 that is before the school shootings began occurring in the US.
I should hope now that the students are far more self aware and motivated towards survival and take their own preservation seriously enough to use their heads and do what makes sense should something occur while they were at school.
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