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Old 10-08-2008, 01:48 PM
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boogiedowndonovan boogiedowndonovan is offline
Activist Rules Lawyer
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: norcal
Posts: 309

Waaayyyy back when, there was a guy running multi group game. One group was NATO, one group was Warsaw Pact and the third group was in it for themselves. IIRC, he was trying to run a Kelly's Heroes type game, where there was some gold stashed away somewhere and all three parties were trying to recover it.

He used to have sites up on geocities, but knowing geocities, they are probably gone now.

Come to think of it, you could run this with King's Ransom, Last Submarine (MilGov, CivGov, NA, and other warlords trying to get the sub), Black Madonna (MilGov, CivGov, KGB, GRU, Krakow, Margrave of Silesia and other warlords)

ummmmm and one time in another now defunct campaign, my pc intentionally shot another pc.
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