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Old 03-03-2009, 01:52 AM
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Default News From Eureka Sept 18 2019

Eureka SEPT 18 2019 TEMPERATURE : +7 C *

A statement from WillisCo chairman Rupert Willis announces the formation of a new jointly lead and run militia in California.

Former MilGov officials confirm the statement saying : " we look forward to working together with outstanding patriots like Ruper tWillis and the men and women of the Willis Corporation to reach for a better future ."

The announcement states that a legal and logistical framework has been drafted and ratified by the parties and approved by the council .

"The California Volunteer Militia" will be the name of the new formation .Its charter states a return to civil rights,constitutional rule of law and reconstruction of the USA.

The "1st.California Volunteers" is currently accepting applications at WillisCo HQ.

Long term objective of the militia is to incorporate or allign all armed formations in the areas under its control.

Co-operation is not mandatory ,however .

Talks will be held in the following weeks to determine the status of other armed organizations within communications distance .
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