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Old 07-09-2018, 04:42 PM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
5 kph is pretty slow really - patrol speed which is slow enough to allow proper awareness of your surroundings.
Faster than that is quite possible (I've done around 10 kph fully loaded), but awareness drops dramatically and fatigue becomes much more of an issue. You REALLY don't want to be doing that sort of speed for more than a couple of hours.
Slower and you tend to get bored (again with a drop in awareness) EXCEPT in close terrain such as urban or jungle. In REALLY close terrain (can't see more than a two or three dozen metres at best) you might be lucky to do 5 km in a whole day though!
And then you add in the effect of hills, swamps and other obstacles....
Yes, it is. It is a standard movement rate (which also matches the game's base rates) that will allow you to arrive in a proper fighting condition. The players COULD move much faster (up to double the listed speed) if they succeed at a task;

To Move Faster Than Base Rate:

Roll under [the Average of STR & CON] + AGL on 1D20. The Difficulty is modified by the terrain (as well as distance traveled).

I also allow Drivers to either stretch their fuel OR "make time" by performing a Driving check.

If they are "Driving for Time," a successful roll under the needed number will reduce the time it takes to travel a given distance by 1% +2% per number rolled UNDER the required Target Number for the task. Outstanding Success (rolling 10 under) will reduce Time Required by 20% (or more at the GM's discretion).

if they are "Hypermiling" (driving for economy or range), they get 1% + 2% per point rolled under the required Target Number for the task. Outstanding Success (rolling 10 under the Target Number) will net an increase in Mileage of 20% or a reduction in Fuel Used of 20%.

Example: Joe is trying to conserve Fuel and needs to roll a 13 or Less on his Skill Check. He rolls a 9 scoring 4 points (13 - 9) on his Success. This translates into Joe saving 9% of the Fuel the vehicle would normally consume.

So that's a look at movement in my Twilight2000. Your Twilight may vary (of course).

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