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Old 09-22-2014, 05:00 PM
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RandyT0001 RandyT0001 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 254

Brief History (still a work in progress)

Situation: Pre-War

Memphis, the largest city in the Mid-South, was the cultural, economic and industrial powerhouse of the region. Beginning in the 1980s there was a shift in the population eastward as the inner core of Memphis fell into crime and poverty ridden ghettos. Jackson was a seat of a Federal Court and the HQ for Tennessee National Guard in West Tennessee. West Tennessee was dependent upon agriculture for its economy.

Situation: The War

Memphis was somewhat lucky because only the warheads targeted at the bridges that cross the Mississippi River and the airport detonated in Shelby County. The airbursts created wide spread damage but limited fallout to a localized area. The area south of the northern branch and west of the eastern branch of the I-40/ I-240 loop suffered the greatest damage from the post attack fires and riots. The warhead targeting the Milan Ammunition Plant detonated in an airburst over the storage bunkers situated in the southern half of the compound. Slightly less than half of the bunkers located in that area collapsed. The machines for the manufacture of the casings, bullets, warheads, and primers survived intact. Collusion between the Federal judge and the head of the National Guard unit headquartered in Jackson led to the establishment of a hereditary kingdom centered on Jackson for about a decade after the war.

Situation: Post-War

For about five years, the kingdom ruled the area within 20 miles of Jackson and had influence within another 20 miles radius. A signal to activate a MP team in Hawaii woke SF Team TN-6 at the same time. Within five years, the Green Berets had created a resistance to the kingdom, which defeated it during the following two years. A representative government was established but remained weak until the arrival of remnants of the state’s MP M&CA Combined Team fleeing from constant fighting between factions in Middle Tennessee a decade later. The two groups made an agreement to combine their resources to establish a confederation of the city-states that had appeared in the area. Five survivors of SF Team IL-5 arrived about seven years later. A few raids by an unknown military force (KFS) across the Tennessee River were repulsed. The raids became an impetus to form a formal federation. A MP Engineering Team from Mississippi with all of its equipment, except for one Ranger vehicle, and a Medical (Specialists) Team that awoken just a few miles north of Scrapton, were incorporated within the next decade, adding their knowledge. By now, the loose confederation of city-states had morphed into the Jackson Republic, which included all of West Tennessee, western Kentucky, and part of northern Mississippi. Over the next decade, Jacksonian traders had reached the Lone Star Republic and a trade route between the KFS and the LSR was established.
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