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Old 07-24-2011, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by simonmark6 View Post
In my opinion, however, whilst I feel that the Reset Papers are more than a footnote, they were obviously not the main reason for the Summer Offensive which was to gain as strong a position as possible for the NATO side of the bargaining table. The attack aimed to force the front line back to the Wisla and thus make the German Border safer. Given this objective the recovery of the Black Madonna becomes more important as it could be used to rally pro-NATO forces in Poland and create a friendly buffer state between the Germans and the Soviets.
Why are people not reading what I am actually fucking typing?

I NEVER SAID THAT RESET WAS THE ONLY REASON for the damn Offensive. For either side of the damn fight.

I am saying that The Soviets would want to get RESET back, and that would be one of the reasons why the Soviets would be sending so damn many troopers into the region searching for it. They had sent in a lot more forces into the area than would have been needed for mopping up the remains of 5ID. Hell... with what they sent in, with petrol fueling their vehicles (and logically the fact they have petrol they should have avgas as well, and they should have been able to put aircraft into operation as well)...

Once the soviets know that RESET had been comprimised they'd move assets into the area in hopes of getting it back.

I didn't say (or mean to say) that the ONLY reason for the clusterfuck of the Summer Offensive was over RESET. But that RESET having been stolen would have effected the movement of Soviet and Polish troops to retrieve it. And that the PCs would have a way to capture and smuggle RESET out of the area and complete the mission that Zulu had tried to carry out.

Since people are putting words in my mouth. I think I should make the statement that in my campaign, RESET was something that USEUCOM and our NATO allies wanted to get their hands on or destroy at any cost. JUST SO THAT THE SOVIETS WOULD NOT HAVE IT! If they could get their hands on the plans or one of the prototypes they'd be happy, because it would allow them to improve the same kind of device that was already being developed back home.

The Summer Offensive WAS NOT launched as a cover for RESET, but was USED AS cover for RESET. Those are TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THINGS.

I said that the Soviets AFTER they learned RESET was missing, they dedicated assets to find it. Because face it... they wouldn't dedicate all those assets just to wipe out the stragglers of the 5ID. they have second line troops who not only could easily do that, but that's what their operatioal mission was all about.

If you don't like this explaination for all the soviet forces enountered during the Polish Campaign, that's fine. as the saying goes "YOUR MILAGE MY VARY"... but that's how we explained it. They were searching everywhere to get RESET back. and while doing that, they could wipeout the remains of 5ID and/or bring deserters (Polish and Soviet) back under their control, all the better.

That's called killing two or more birds with a single stone... or more accurately described as bird hunting with a shotcun loaded with buckshot. Beause if you pull the trigger just right you kill alot more than just one bird as it's flying by.
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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