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Old 01-29-2019, 02:22 AM
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StainlessSteelCynic StainlessSteelCynic is offline
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Originally Posted by ChalkLine View Post
As a topic tangent I think when I sit down to do my T2k update I'm going to make it very unlikely that a player character gets any rank. My reasoning behind this is that most game players don't know what it is that NCOs and officers actually do and couldn't portray it in a game - so they're probably better of being low rankers.
Just a thought
I agree, so much so that I'd be inclined to do exactly the same thing if I run another campaign.
Decades ago, when I was running some Merc:2000 games, I would have a senior NCO in charge of the group. The NCO was run by me so it was just another NPC but it meant I could gently direct the group (none of the players except me had even been in anything like the Scouts or Cadets let alone any sort of military service).

For T2k I'd probably let some players have some rank but it would be basically, "filling dead men's shoes". There aren't any fully qualified personnel available for promotion due to manpower losses in the war, so the the "least unqualified" gets the promotion. That way it's not so bad that the newly promoted NCO doesn't know as much as they should and you can work it in as part of their backstory.
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