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Old 07-23-2016, 11:57 AM
unkated unkated is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Eastern Massachusetts
Posts: 416

One of the things I liked about Twilight Nightmares is that it "proved" that Merc: 2000 was the prequel setting to Dark Conspiracy.

I had designed a Merc: 2000 scenario where the PCs are hired to go to an "empty research facility on an island" off Central America to collect some biological samples. The corporation hiring you had sent an agent, but lost track of him, and they heard that the facility was temporarily abandoned due to a storm. The island should be deserted, but the team should be armed just in case. Power had been shut down, so there would not be much in the way of security surveillance equipment operating.

The briefing included detail on the size of the samples and how to transport them; it included a rough idea of where on the island to find the lab with the samples.

For operational security, the team is only told roughly where in the world they are going.

As the team is lifting off in a CV-22 to take them to the island, their nervous looking (or is that guiltly looking/) contact tosses them a small paperback book. As they gain altitude, they read the cover Field Guide to Dinosaurs (These were more rare 25 years ago).

The team, of course, is headed to Isla Nulubar, a few days after the events of the first Jurassic park movie, to get the samples that Dennis Nedry was supposed to recover.

Uncle Ted
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