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Old 04-27-2009, 12:57 PM
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theDevil theDevil is offline
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Default according to cnn 2min ago...

it is said that there has been 40 confirmed in usa, but the official number is 20, all in the new york area.

ofcourse confirmed and reported are two different things...

i would not worry, just another n5h1 paranoia scare tactic, wonder what all our goverments are doing with their left hand as they feed us, the public, this paranoia crap with their right hand, have I mentioned that i am a conspiracy nut... ...oh yeah i have...

still no big leap in the death rate though, its now at 103, BUT the official number of confirmed death by n1h1 has still not been released, and still they (the deaths) are all located in mexico...

But as we are glued to the screen watching this news unravel, who knows what kind of propositions our governments are "secretly"(as under covers of other, more "important", news) agreeing on, just like the "doctrine for joint nuclear operation" which startet to form early in 2002 and are now in effect, without alot of hubbub from the public as we where all glued to the tube in horror watching the 911 pictures over and over, then again watching the brave men and women bringing democracy to iraq... ...cant help thinking about what is happening now...

...did i mention i am a concpiracy nut :P

still i see no cause for alarm, more concerned for the planet Niburu that is creepingly, slowly, closing in on us...
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- G. Weilacher
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