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Old 02-07-2022, 03:33 PM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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Originally Posted by Spartan-117 View Post
My quick fix for the EU problem is that each PC should just multiply their carrying capacity by 3 (which gives the amount of kilograms they can carry) and then account for stuff in KGs from that point on, using older sources or Paul's site, with the exception of clothing and LBE.

So a STR 8 PC who would normally carry 8 EU of gear, would be able to carry 24 kg of gear on their person, and another 24kg in their pack.

Every game I've been in has had PCs want gear that doesn't appear in the book. Converting those to EU is more complex than just dealing with their KG weights.
I did the same for Mutant: YEAR ZERO, and I'd also convert Ranges back to meters. I like to different map scales based on whether the engagement is several hundred meters or just a few meters apart. Don't give me an arbitrary scale, give me a distance that I CAN SCALE to my maps or battle board.
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