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Old 11-03-2010, 04:34 PM
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Posts: 532

Originally Posted by LBraden View Post
I am unemployed, but the new rules in the UK means I may end up either 1) being put onto a 13 week 9-5 "jobsearch course" or 2) Getting stuck volunteering god knows what hours.

So at minute, unhelpful, I may see about getting in this coming Monday, but after that it will be up in the air.

Yikes, that's kind of brutal.

Hey, shoot me a character concept circa 1987 and I'll create an NPC for you. From the UK is fine. You can join in on the first session and then maybe your PC (tragically) catches a bullet afterwards?

Pre-Freeze Briefing:

The Morrow Project is designed to assist the USA in recovering after WWIII and comprises nationals from the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and NZ. (The Atlantis Project covers Europe and the rest of the world.) Your briefing is that in the mid-late 90's a failing Soviet Union will make a desperate bid for world domination. This involves launching an invasion of western Europe and the Middle East, with limited preemptive nuclear strikes on US military facilities and biological/chemical strikes on population centres with therefore less chance of provoking a massive response.

While the west abandoned Civil Defence for all intents and purposes, the USSR never did. It's theorised by Project planners that this preemptive strike on the west will give the Soviets the breathing room to recover first from any retaliation, absorb conquered territory in Europe and then deal with China. The Morrow Project is a kind of "privatised" Civil Defence initiative, intended to primarily aid in economic recovery in time to prevent complete Soviet postwar world domination. Political recovery and continuation of government is of course FEMA's responsibility, while the military/police will handle restoring civil order. It's also expect that damage to the industrial infrastructure and population centres (ie: cities) will be a lot less than an all-out nuclear war.

PD Note: My theory is if an all-out war was expected and the nation completely destroyed, the Project would be much better armed and differently organised than it is in the books. For example, while Cadillac-Gage builds the Commando series of APCs and the Stoner system (Dockery said that CG was a COT-owned company) they also build tanks (the Stingray, which Thailand has used in combat vs. Burma). Instead of individual teams scattered across a state (or a nation) it would be smarter to concentrate the Project into brigade-sized units located around a few self-sufficient areas where they can be supported by artillery and air support. And so on. As is, I think the original plan for the Project expected a level of destruction much less than what actually happened or what most people assume, but that's a personal opinion.

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