Thread: Contact pack
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Old 04-18-2015, 09:06 PM
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stormlion1 stormlion1 is offline
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Well in many ways a Contact kit needs to look used and be things that a survivor would generally find or had before a emergency. So Civilian clothes that are warm-Jeans, T-shirt, Flannel Shirt in colder climes, scrounged jacket-most likely leather or military jacket. Sleeping bag like something you would find at Dicks or Bass Pro Shop. Possibly a small tent, and worn shoes or boots. Weight will be key. Too much gear and a contact could get mugged for it all and make people wonder where they come from and how they got good gear.

Weapon wise I would say a single pistol of some type and a bolt action rifle or a shotgun. If a Contact shows up with a repeater or a semi automatic there is once again the possibility they might get mugged for it. Its best to reduce temptation and depend on the rest of the team for back up than have a contact get shot as soon as they show up because someone see's a fancy repeater and decides they want it.
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