Thread: Tachankas
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Old 09-03-2009, 01:49 PM
simonmark6 simonmark6 is offline
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That is a possibility, but cavalry in the Twilight period is highly unlikely, in my opinion, to fight anything resembling a battle from horseback. The would, I think, be more likely to act as Dragoons, leaving their horses a safe distance behind the line and fighting on foot.

If this is the case anything fixed to a wagon would be a liability as it wouldn't be either man portable or more able to take the advantages of terrain. That leaves you with a weapon that's only really effective when you get ambushed and are trying to get away.

This would make them an interesting proposition for convoy escort duty, but in a combat unit, I'm not sure of their effectiveness. In essence they'd be like a very poor technical that would lack the speed to get out of the way once fighting started.

Light mortars that could be kept on wagons behind the lines might be a possibility, but I can't see direct fire weapons dashing around a battlefield pulled by horses being that effective.
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