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Old 04-19-2010, 04:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Sanchez View Post
Yes, session was good.

However, there was huge differences in the quality of the players.
While some player(s) performed military miracles with only a small calibre rifle, , performed cool action stunts jumping off a cliff while shooting down helicopters, coragously carrying wounded a comrade on the back while under fire, outnumbered by 1 to 10000 and bringing poetic wisdom to the enemy in the heat of the battle.

OTHER players:
Either were altering peronality rapidly to look for dead realtives while under fire "Father, father, were are yoooou?" or cowardly hiding in a bunker trying to decide which ammo to use.
Other players spent the time taking potshots of target of no value 3000 meters away while thir heroic friends were pinned down right ahead of their eyes.

This is fact.

In this way ,this session carefully mimic the one before this ,were the quality of the players ALSO varied alot .Some even shot their own in the back ( mistakenly ,of course,due to an unfathomable incompetence) and threw them into the line of fire whereas others milled about in a random fashion and fired of guns .

Teenage irrationality is very hard to understand ,and was thus played very convincingly by the Pain faction player -our gaming host.I actually found this randomized and highly emotionally unstable behaviour very plausible and awarded an XP bonus for this .(It would have been 5 times bigger if he had acted it out with some more meta sobbing and screaming).
Perhaps this is GPs niche as a method actor.The decisions made should reflect the character ,and erratic behaviour is a common trait in teenagers.
In the end ,he did shoot down the helicopter and deserves credit for this.

As for others using their time for gunnery target practice instead of other things -I think we all know to whom you are referring - this was of course another of the GMs insidious traps to make decision making even more confused.It must have been a little bit frustrating to have your guy chased by a helicopter without any back up in that way I guess...

Both this session and the one before that are very good examples of a reoccuring problem in the party - the not giving a shit about the other guy syndrome.(gamewise of course).
If you were a "band of brothers" you would be one of those hip hop outfits that end up having gun fights outside the studio and get on the news.

But I did see cooperation and helping eachother in other parts of the getaway and teh escape and evasion part of the game that is going on .

I am an optimist ! Even though there has been 6 years of reluctant cooperation and glee at the unfortunes of others I think that the awakening of team spirit and the discovery of cohesive tactics are just around the corner !

I did think that 3 PCs would be killed during the first 20 minutes of play ,but I was wrong.There was no saturday massacre ,all PCs are alive ,uncaptured and armed to the teeth.Lucky -yes.But you seem to be doing something right too.I just cant see it....hmmm

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