Thread: Siege of Warsaw
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Old 12-23-2008, 05:47 AM
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Information is EXTREEMELY limited although I have been able to ascertain that the US III Corp appeared to have shouldered much of the load along with at least the 3rd German Panzer Division.

Note that only the 1st battery, 3rd Artillery Battalion, 3rd Panzer Division has a direct and undeniable link with the siege of Warsaw itself. The US III Corp (including the US 8th ID at the time) is only refered to as having suffered significant losses in the withdrawal from Warsaw.

While the artillery battery is shown to have been at Warsaw in September of 2007, just before the seige was lifted, it's parent division "reached as far as the Neman River line in the Soviet Union before being forced to withdraw.

There are many other units, mainly US and German, which are shown to have participated in the overall offensive, but none besides the above specifically linked to Warsaw in any other way.

It is my considered opinion that the US III Corp which at the time probably consisted of the 8th ID, 1st Cavalry, 2nd Armoured, 44th Armoured and 3rd Armoured Cavalry Regiment were supported by elements of the German VI Corps to bear the brunt of seige duty.

On the PAct side, once again information is very limited although I have ben able to find that the 7th Guards Tank Army was responsible for lifting the seige as part of the greater counter offensive. The units involved where the 3rd Guards Tank Division (all indications are this at least came close to Warsaw), 8th Guards Tank Division ("aided in the relief of Warsaw"), and the 22nd Tank Division ("took poart in the counteroffensive, which resulted in the relief of Warsaw" "cost the division nearly all it's vehicles").

The 47th Tank Division which is also technically under the 7th GTA coimmand was held in reserve near Minsk when it and the city were nuked.

As Warsaw received 6 nuclear warheads from NATO as they withdrew in an attempt to slow the Pact advance, I suggest the 22nd TD was the closest to the city at the time.
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