Thread: OMEGA Revisited
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Old 06-29-2018, 04:44 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
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I think the better approach may be that the units were stood up and reformed eventually but that it took quite a while to do so. Keep in mind the supply system is non-existent, there is very little new production going on outside of reloads, mortars and mortar ammo, grenades and bikes - thus its going to take quite a while to stand those divisions back up as anything other than a big formation of foot infantry

Thus something like - "the first division from the Omega evacuation was not fully reformed and readied for combat again until mid-June, with mechanics repairing and converting trucks and civilian SUV's for military use and restoring a few tanks and armored vehicles back to operating condition that were still in depots. (Pick the division of your choice) In place of artillery it had mortar companies and recoil-less rifle platoons and many of its tanks were literally museum pieces brought back to life." would make a lot of sense and would be not change the canon in any way - as the forces described in HW was as of April 2001 and the re-stood to division wouldnt be back up until June or so
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