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Old 04-01-2020, 09:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Raellus View Post
Tractor and horse power would, I think, be largely replaced, or at least heavily supplemented, by human power.
When you look at the numbers and take into account the lack of adequate farm equipment, it's the only way it could be done. A hundred people with hand tools doing the work of one tractor. But even when you are able to produce food, you've still got a distribution problem. Without fuel trucks are useless - too big and heavy for even the strongest team of horses or oxen to pull efficiently but what choice is there really until enough wagons and carts can be made? Trains aren't an option either given almost all in by the late 20th century ran on either diesel or electricity with steam relegated to a handful of engines laid up in museums. Clearly alternate fuel is a pressing necessity.

Germany under nazi rule could not hope to produce enough food or fuel for it's needs, and that's in a period when animal power was still predominant. The only way they were able to avoid starvation as a country was to steal from their neighbours (stripping every last crumb in many cases). The nazi's, Hitler in particular, were strong believers in the now debunked "shrinking markets" economic theory and so ceased almost all international trade in the 30's in order to preserve what resources they had. Totally ludicrous I know, but...

Tik on youtube has a bunch of really good videos on the subject which directly relate in my opinion to T2K.
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