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Old 06-08-2009, 04:04 PM
Abbott Shaull Abbott Shaull is offline
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Originally Posted by natehale1971
Thank you Grae... you hit on what the guy who wrote the book was talking about... the social chaos would be.... well, horrible to say the least. It won't just be groups of urban street gangs would see this as their chance to increase their turf. but the really nasty criminals out there like the various ethnic Mobs that have been growing as problems across the country. I was told by a local police officer that the local chapter of MS13 has access to major miltiary hardware (from the way he was acting it was M60s, grenade launchers, ect), and he was really upset when they found this out when they had uncovered them. And was even more upset that the police where told NOT to allow the local press or citizens to find out about what they found. He was in the US Army, and had been a SAW gunner. And he said what they had their hands on was heavy crew served weapons. I'm ex-Navy, so i'm just guess what they've gotten their hands on.

We should also think of charismatic manipulator types who've been local political activitists taking advantage of such chaos after national communications have been knocked out thanks to a major EMP attack.

They are out there... Someone on the T2k Wiki came up with the Peoples Republic of Boulder as an example of what this can become.

Has anyone been watching the news about how ACORN is being investigated for curroption charges? I've used ACORN as an example as a grassroots organization that could easily become an "Alliance for a Progressive New America" in my campaigns when it comes to 'New America' just to break away from the usual 'ultra right-wing organization'...
One would be surprise how much hardware that many of these organization have procurred over the years.

There are the normal Soviet and Chinese arms that flow, but old excessive US arms that people have forgotten about. If they were to go looking for, wouldn't think twice if it wasn't where it was suppose to be. It not just crew served weapons either. There plenty of old battle rifles and other equipment that use heavier rounds, or the generic sub-machine gun that these people have gotten hands on.

It is amazing how stuff that is suppose to make it from Point A to Point Z through all other points in between, how things could come up missing.

I remember being in the 82nd Airborne Division and some nimrod misplaced their M16. The entire Battalion + spent time out in the 100 Acre Woods looking for it (memory is fuzzy what area it was), and this was for days. They stopped all training and everything else in the Battalion. Don't know how the nimrod didn't realize their weapon was missing. Supposedly it was missing a couple days before they went back to barracks, and...blah, blah, blah.

The thing is the powers may be is that they realize if they didn't recover the weapon, someone else out there would of. Even the locals had enough information, they knew when troops were going out to the various areas. Enough of them had been in to know where the troops spend the night in these areas. There were enough who would go out searching for this or that shinning thing out there, that are from time to time left behind unintentionally. A missing M16 or any other weapon like that is prize that would draw them out like moths to the flame, no matter how locked down a unit is.

Also if one realized how many National Guard and Reserve Armories have been compromised, it would scared most people. Now, think about that many patrol cars in the urban centers now carry CAR-15s, if not M16/M4 flavor of variety. It mind boggling on one hand, but on the other hand, I can see why the power maybe keep this information from the General Public Joe Smoe. One the other hand, if the situation presented itself, it could led to a mess that no one wants to admit too.

The sad reality, many local Law Enforcement and even many State agency have been out gunned on the the streets. Those who have been blissed by ignorance are the lucky few, the ones who haven't know their fine line of having a really good day, and a real shitty one. When they are having shitty day, everyone else will be too.
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