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Old 02-12-2009, 12:41 PM
Badbru Badbru is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 62

I can't see the French Adventure seed working for me though.

France and England have a refugee/illegal immigrant problem now. Add in the effects of the Twilight war as detailed in either v1 or v2.2 timeline and you can multiply that by whatever figure you can guess at.

The reason given in the timelines that French forces move/invade to the Rhine is to provide a solid geographical barrier against hordes of refugee's that threaten to overwhelm their nation.

The reason that there is a 50km wide swath of lawless anarchy land beyond their border is because French forces go out of their way to create, encourage, and maintain it. That 50km swath is a French controlled free fire zone. They have no reason and no desire to obtain more of it, quite the opposite.

Thus, turn the adventure seed around.

For the rag tag bunch;
Have your player's try getting through that maelstrom. Worse still for the players have them need to escort (you may read smuggle here if you wish) civillians through that to the promise of life as it was pre war with electricity, and all the wonders that entales, running water, and the promise of hot showers that entales etc etc

For the stable military unit group;
Have them working for the German government, not the French, trying to bring some semblance of peace to that area so German citizens can repopulate the region.
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