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Old 09-05-2016, 07:32 PM
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RandyT0001 RandyT0001 is offline
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Posts: 254

Use a bolt hole as a permanent base, no. A bolt hole has no sanitary facilities to deal with waste and no food storage or prep area for meals. It is not intended to exist or function for a long, indefinite period without regard to unforeseeable conditions. It is not designed for permanent occupation.

Depending on the environmental conditions and situation the team might use the bolt hole as a temporary base for a short time, from a week to a month.

IMO, the first thing a team does once outside its bolt hole is to do circular recon sweeps of the surrounding area at increasing intervals of about 75 meters to a max of 600 meters as quietly as possible. Of course, this depends on the location of the bolt hole, whether in hills, mountains, desert, forest, snow, etc. 1. Observe, 2. Assess, 3. Act

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