Thread: Alcohol as Fuel
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Old 11-10-2009, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by weswood View Post
That's something I've also wondered, Ed. Although I lean more towards vegetable oil as a diesel replacement. If I ever get a real game going, I'm thinking of gas fueled vehicles using a mix of at least 50/50 gas/alchohol, and diesel engines using vegetable oil.
many diesels could run on this - actually the inventor of the diesel engine saw plant oils as the natural choice for running this and was astounded when mineral oilactually became prevalent.

,and I guess you could get some alco/gasoline up and running too .Stills,some pumps..

But what about methane gas ?

They already have a cottage industry in places like China getting energy from the waste after keeping pigs etc .(proof of concept ) There are engine models readily conversible from gasoline to natural gas-my frind has a GMC Yukon that runs on both gas and -gas .
Possible solution -scrape the shi* of teh fan and use it for fuel production

I mean - the amount of fuel needed to run just a platoon of APCs is staggering if you convert it into square feet of tilled land or hours of manpower needed to produce the raw material for said fuel .Not to mention that that would tie up resources for food production as well.
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