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Old 08-27-2009, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by sglancy12 View Post
Interesting... but currently Australia still buys the bulk of it's petroleum from regional sources, correct? Like Indonesia and Brunei? It won't do Australia any good (for a year or so until alternatives can be brought online) if the Indonesians cut off those supplies in a fit of nationalistic fervor. I mean, Australia will suffer a huge energy shortage with fuel rationing, brown outs, and the like, but I take your point that losing access to oil from Bornea clearly won't tumble Australia to the Middle Ages.
Yes, but really only to conserve the reserves we've got.
In the initial stages, only fuel will be much of a problem. The vast majority of energy in Australia is from Coal and hydro (especially the latter in Tasmania). Wind is also seeing a bit of growth.
The last federal government were toyng with the idea of building nuclear power plants (in around 2005-6 I think it was) but before then there was deafening silence on the topic. Resistance to the idea when it was raised was immense.
Given the virtually nonexistant reliance on oil for electricity production, brownouts are only likely as a byproduct of transportation difficulties and EMP.

Originally Posted by sglancy12 View Post
Still, I cannot imagine there not being a pro-nuke power faction in Australia after the Twilight War.
There's always been and will be pro nuke factions, but it's highly doubtful they'd gain any traction whatsoever - there's just too many actively against the idea for both weapons and power.
Some oil might be bought from the middle east through the French, but it would be done with great resistance. Not many would like the idea of buying from what is essentially an occupying power...

Originally Posted by sglancy12 View Post
So, how much of this help would be in the form of Naval and Air Forces and how much Army forces do you think New Zealand could spare?
The above link isn't all that far from reality. NZ hasn't got much of an airforce any more and the Navy I believe isn't much better. For armoured vehicles, the last I heard was they had nothing heavier than Scorpion and Scimitars.
If it moves, shoot it, if not push it, if it still doesn't move, use explosives.

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