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Old 07-26-2009, 07:12 AM
weswood weswood is offline
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Location: Baytown Tx
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I haven't fleshed out the details, but I'm working up an island in the Bermuda Triangle. An alien spaceship crashed cenutries ago and has been disgorging "specimens" collected from various planets. The character will be shipwrecked in a wooden sailing ship, they must locate suitable timber for repairing a hole in the hull and replacing a mast or two. The only place on the island where trees straight and tall enough for masts grow is near the crashed spaceship.

Other than the alien species on the planet, there is a tribe of humans who never got past the stone age. I'm toying with the idea of having more modern people there also, from disappearances in the Triangle throughout the centuries. Maybe a couple of 17th century pirates, some of those aviators that got lost, maybe some civilians from lost ships. A certain plant growing only on the island stops them from aging.

The spaceship crashed due to a deadly disease then sickened and killed most of the crew. The survivors fled the ship to a peninsula, and built a huge wall across it to keep the vicous beasts out of thier safe area. I'm not sure if I want any to be surviving when the players arrive. Any alien artifacts- weapons, superior technology, etc will be battery operated with no way of recharging batteries. I'm even thinking the crew's personal weapons will be crossbows and short swords. I would think any combat aboard a spaceship both sides would want to be careful. Oh, dang, that laser bolt just fired the environmental system for the whole ship, we're all dead.
Just because I'm on the side of angels doesn't mean I am one.
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