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Old 03-11-2009, 03:40 AM
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Default the other white meat

rats are a good source of protein as well .They are omnivores and eat whatever they can .They also breed easily .

depending on feed availability ,the rats can be used to counter famine in small communities.

caution must be taken of course , to contain the rats and in handling plastic aprons and rubber gloves ,hair nets etc shoul be used to minimize risk of transferring fleas and lice or deseases.Also processing to food neeeds to be carefully done .

rats should be kept in as clean as possible enviroments , fed mostly greens like fruit,vegetables and fresh grass etc -or peelings of these .In a pinch other fodder like fresh carcasses etc can be used.

The rats can be drowned ,hung to dry , scorched to get the hairs and fleas etc off before beying flayed and cut into pieces.

It will keep less well than cockroach flour and needs to be eaten a short time after preparation - like most meat .

I read that it tastes wonderful - like a tasty chicken.

I include mice here too - also easy to breed and feed .

Last edited by headquarters; 03-11-2009 at 04:07 AM.
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