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Old 02-10-2009, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Krejcik
how could a person with no weapons, only say a rifle and rocks disable a tank? say a T-55 or older. Is it possible? I was thinking to just get close as possible and to run around it, trying to disorient it and getting the tank to run into something or jam the barrel up with rocks and debris?

realistic and almost realistic answers pls

the tank will run the guy over.It can turn around its own axis,and skid on tarmac etc a driver with a nasty urge to kill can do lot of damage to personell.Even if you got close or on top and hung on and started smashing periscopes etc he could drive through a building ,a forrest or whatever to shake you or smash you up .Th eturret easily crushes someone if they get caught between it and the deck .

If there was a hatch open and you could get on top before it was closed you could lob a grenade down into it or spray a mag down the hatch .That would do it -maybe.

all imho -h for humble as always.
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