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Old 06-03-2021, 04:40 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
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Originally Posted by 3catcircus View Post
It's much more likely for small arms to be available from bygone eras than artillery, armor, etc. It's just way too costly to maintain a fleet of reserve tanks or ships or airplanes. A rifle is easy - coat in grease, wrap in oilskin, and pack away.

The Boneyard in AZ or the reserve fleet in Philly are examples of wishful thinking, for example - to maintain hardware, you either have to spend the time and effort to maintain it ready-to-go (in which case why bother if you have a front-line set of kit but no guard or reserve troops to use and maintain the old kit) or you have to do so much layup to prepare it for long term storage that it'll take months (or longer) to make it serviceable.
Oh the rifles and other small arms will be in great profusion - the armor/artillery/armored cars etc. are more to show, as per Raellus question, what kind of obsolescent vehicles will be seen in the T2K timeline.

I.e. what might get pulled out of reserve, etc.. and find itself fighting on the battlefields as modern armor gets short

I recommend an excellent book you might like - - very relevant to the topic - shows the US having to use old Lee, Sherman and Stuart tanks when the modern armor they had broke down

And I disagree with you on maintaining hardware - many of the older tanks are still in operation precisely because they are so easy to maintain. That guy in my town who owned the Sherman kept it going with a backyard garage and tools he bought from Sears and spare parts that in some cases he improvised from old service manuals he had.

Compared to the marvels of modern tech we operate now they may still be going long after the Twilight War ends due to their simplicity and still be fighting on battlefields when the last M1A1 has finally broken down for the last time.
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