Thread: Military Slang
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Old 08-27-2015, 08:31 PM
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LT. Ox LT. Ox is offline
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Wink you got me

Swaghauler and Stanlessstealcynic.
dinky dau... and Beaucoup anything and everthing!
Damn HIPSHOOT is how Friendly fire was invented, did not have a lot of use for it in Viet Nam. But we sure trained the hell out of troops in Sill.

How About SPLASH, do they still holler (radio)that just before rounds are due in so the FO can be ready to spot?
In the delta we "adjusted" our fire by using two of the Six guns in a 105 or 155 battery to fire the spotter rounds.
They were most two tubes farthest apart depending on the direction to target from battery.
We would have to use air burst wp to be able to "see" where they "landed" as the canopy was too thick.
In 67' FDC would radio "away" when the rounds were fired and "splash" three to five seconds before reaching target.
The FO ( me) would then correct and call for adional "spotting " rounds or call for "fire for effect" which would have the entire battery fire x-number of rounds of type and fuse called for by the forward observer.
He could then give "end of Mission" or repeat.
Hmm this is turning into a training film. Sorry
Tis better to do than to do not.
Tis better to act than react.
Tis better to have a battery of 105's than not.
Tis better to see them afor they see you.
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