Thread: Akmr
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Old 08-08-2009, 12:26 PM
Abbott Shaull Abbott Shaull is offline
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You know if the barrel are replaceable, then making the AKMR or whatever you want to call it, seem reasonable after the rest of the receiver and related parts have been modified to fire the 5.45 round.

Looking at from two view points, if I was using the original timeline, this weapon would be on par with the M16EZ. Something thrown out there that many people who don't much knowledge on weapons would accept.

On the other hand, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and Communism in Europe, and depending on what canon timeline you accept, or if you have a home brewed one. In many cases, I can see the AKMs being re-chambered to the 5.45 round, or in the cases of such nations such as Poland, Baltic States, and so on, being re-chambered for 7.62N or 5.56N or any round in between.

The Weapon is machine stamped so there is lot of room to tweek things. I can see it as cost saving measure to get reserve units weapons that are common to what the regular forces are using. Since several countries from the former Warsaw Pact, made money in trading their former Soviet based gear. Of course some of these purchasers were former allies in the pact, like the case of the Poles and I think the Czech purchasing former East German Army armor combat vehicles, but many of the small weapons in these countries made a rapid switch to NATO standards. The reserve of Pact ammo could bring in needed cash. The price of accurancy these weapons would suffer would be almost negated, since NATO members would sell their used weapons cheaply, to help get members on the same sheet off music to speak of.

Just some thoughts.
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