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Old 04-28-2015, 07:54 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

I am thinking much the same that you are Raellus as to the war continuing in Europe as it has been at least in the central part of Europe.

You still have the CivGov units in the Balkans and the desire of the Yugoslavs and the Romanians to push out what is left of the Soviets there but in Germany and Austria itself about the only things that are left are possibly the Germans helping to push whats left of the Soviets out of Austria and a German push to reoccupy the areas of East Germany, possibly in conjunction with an effort to link up with the Americans in Poland and help them get home.

And while the Germans do have business in the west with the French they may also want to take advantage of the power vacuum in northwestern Poland as well to correct the land they lost in 1945 - either organized and official efforts undertaken by some part of what is left of the German government or as a warlord effort by a faction of the German Army.

I don't see the Soviets doing much else in central Europe besides abandoning ship and going home. Especially if more Polish units decide that it might be time to finally settle accounts with the Soviets now that any chance of a large scale NATO push is over.
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