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Old 12-28-2016, 10:24 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 153

The interesting thing for me on the actual Prime Base supplement is it seems to lean towards the project as being good hearted but less than competent.

The only entrance had that little security area which wouldn't have been much use in defence.

Most bunkers by the time someone got to the actual entrance it would be over.

And unlike other scenarios there are no automated weapons or other further out posts.

As such I think the project as designed has quite an interesting feel. Most of the Recon and MARS teams were scattered with seemingly little support all across the land. Whilst the lucky few were allowed to have a lifestyle most likely equal or better than they had before in their sanctum sanctorum.

As such it's not surprising that Prime Base descended into a poorly defended refugee camp and disaster. One wonders if the Phoenix teams were created as a secret way of making sure this bad situation didn't go to far wrong?
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