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Old 08-27-2020, 08:07 AM
Benjamin Benjamin is offline
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Originally Posted by Rainbow Six View Post
I've had similar conversations to this with people before. I enjoy the post apoc genre, whether it's Twilight 2000, Mad Max, Survivors (BBC series that ran briefly in the 70's then was rebooted equally briefly in the 2010's), etc, etc.

Mutants I can kind of tolerate. But I have no interest whatsoever in the Zombie genre. I don't even class it as post apoc. It's supernatural (or however you want to describe it). In my opinion it's a completely different genre, one that has virtually nothing in common with the one that I enjoy.
I agree. The zombie genre is repetitive and boring. And way over done.

On a similar note I’ve grown really bored with the grim dark Sci-Fi genre that almost always tries to be somehow “Lovecraftian”. I still like Eclipse Phase because the books are really attractive and the writing is good, but I’m even a bit jaded by the new Aliens RPG (also coincidentally by Free League). Had a good version of Aliens come out 10 years ago I would have super excited but now it’s just one of many many “Horror in the darkness of space!” RPGS and so I’m “meh” about it. (At least Aliens doesn’t have the added trope of “We’ve lost Earth!”)

That’s why I like 2300AD (and for harder sci-fi, Transhuman Space by Steve Jackson Games). Sure you could have a horror themed adventure or cyberpunk but overall it’s a pretty straight forward good sci-fi setting with believable colony worlds and excellent aliens. And as a bonus when tied to T2K it had a well developed plausible background that could be mined for adventure ideas.
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