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Old 01-13-2016, 06:33 AM
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kalos72 kalos72 is offline
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Location: Jacksonville Florida
Posts: 921

Mt group seems to lead towards a new county level organization as a primary structure. Government, LE, militia, food/water supply all provided or at least organized by a county government first.

County has to be able to support its own population otherwise, people are moved around. There should be NO dependence on food from another region. Not able to grow enough food in your county, dont live there.

Each County, must be able to build and support a full size active duty rifle company with a support platoon, medical platoon and engineering platoon.

Based on the County’s population, some might be required to add more rifle companies to meet minimal security needs, typically 1 additional active duty rifle company to every 5000 people located in the County.

County populations are limited to the number of people the County can safely and effectively support. Food, water and security are required to effectively support a happy population.

A County can “officially” sustain 1000 people per “County Farms” they can establish - similar to the TMP Manor program - i.e. 25000 people would require the County to establish and maintain 25 working “County Farms”. A "County Farm" being something around 1 square mile in size.
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