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Old 01-12-2009, 01:25 AM
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Default willkommen

Originally Posted by B.T.
Hi there, everybody!

I did find this forum on this evening. So, if I am a little late with my answer, that tells you why.

One thing about the uniforms: The rain-drop-patterns, that are/were used by the Czecheslovak and Polish forces are not distuingishable from the East-German uniform, at least in the middle of a fierce firefight! Therefore it would have been complete menace, not to equip the "new" comrades with older style German uniforms! "Flecktarn" and the older "Steingrau-oliv" (Well, that's the official name of the OD uniform-color) are both possible.

I know, that in real life a lot of units were trained in using the AKs. These should not be kept as service rifle, but as they were there, the German conscripts received training with them.

All the rest has been said (Well, written, to be more precise!) before. Vehicles and such would have been kept, I'm certain about that.

I personally believe, that during the war, most soldiers of the Bundeswehr had getten rid of their G11 rifles - no chance to reload the cartridges! As soldiers tend to use equipment they are familiar with, most ex-East-Germans might have tried to get back "their" AK, whereas West-Germans would have tried to get a hand on one of the older G3 rifles.

Wow, my first ever posting in English ... that took it's time. Hope, I my use of the English language is not too bad. I'll do my best to increase my LNG (English) skills, promise

welcome to the forum.
good info .
Are there many T2K players or enthusiasts in Germany ?
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