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Old 04-01-2012, 10:16 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

An excellent work Rainbow Six - love the modifications you have made, ones that turn what was to me a very unsatisfactory Survivors Guide into one that is much more realistic and playable.

And having at least one operable SSN for the RN is not only very believeable but also supports what I will be posting as to an alternate timeline after Omega - that having only one surviving SSN in the whole world and one surviving boomer is just not realistic.

And having Ark Royal damaged and tied up at her berth isnt a huge deviation from canon as it sounds - for one even if you have her fixed up you still need to find fuel for her planes and for her.

One question - are the American forces you have here pre or post Omega?
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