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Old 08-13-2009, 05:19 PM
leonpoi leonpoi is offline
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Posts: 171
Default Term time, 3 or 4 years?

I'm toying with the idea of using 3 year terms rather than 4 year terms in the character generation for tw2000 v2.2 - but I haven't thought it through and would some everyone's opinion. My reasoning for doing this is because I feel a well developed char needs to be able to squeeze out one more term during development. The extra skills would also be useful.

I'm finding that most characters are pretty well developed (and are statistically drafted) after about 4 terms + the war term = 5 terms, after which AGL loss has been tested twice. For 3-year terms age checks would be made at 30 (end of T4) and 36 (end of T6), so these T5 characters get a little break (1 extra skill point, or 2 extra if they push out to T6). Characters are also about 33 (I assume a 18 year start with 3 year terms), which feels a bit better than 37 (we are 20 year gaming veterans who started at 12 )

HTML Code:
terms	1	2	3	4	5	6	7
3	21	24(5)	27(4)	30(3)	33(3)	36(2)	39(1)
4	21	25(5)	29(4)	33(3)	37(2)	41(1) 45(1)
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