Thread: Military Slang
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Old 07-26-2011, 10:58 PM
Griff Griff is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Middle of nowhere, Iraq
Posts: 18

Another variation of this, one that I was quite skilled at, is the feet-knees-face landing. Usually when I got to the RP, someone would look at me and say, "What the hell happened to your face?"

Ahh the feet-knees-face landing.....those were the days. Thank God they're gone!

It's because of said landing technique that I changed the storage position of my NOD's from the top of the ruck to DEEP in it's center. Only to impacts and broken nose to figure that one out. That and not riding my ruck in.....

Now on to the news....

CAS-Close Air Support- Rotary & Fixed wing air support for us mudsloggers

Incoming(mail)-From GI humor during WWII-Incoming Indirect Fire
Outgoing(mail)-Same source-Outgoing Indirect Fire(not necessarily friendly)

Murphy'ed- From Murphy's Laws of Combat which states that if something can go wrong, it will. Re: "Check you're gear boys, don't give Murphy and excuse", "what went wrong?" "We got Murph'ed"-the fates just don't have your back that day.

ISAF-I Suck At Fighting-I Stay At FOB (see Fobbit)-Current Op's in A-Stan

NATO-Never Attempt Tactical Operations-Again from current A-Stan

Frat Boys-Referred to both SF Suntanning Assoc. members (majority of Green Beenies), or groups of young officers who act like they never left their college fraternities.

Green Beenies-Special Forces. See also Special Feces, Gucci Boys

Gear Queer- a Joe that buys every piece of new and shiny kit that comes across his sight optical group (eyes). If it's shiny and new he's gotta have it.

House Mouse-Squad/Platoon bitch (non female reference). Low man on the totem pole, tasked with multiple menial chores in and around said units AO (Area of Operations-i.e. were ever they seem to be at the moment). See also "Do Boy" "FNG" "Cherry"

Tunnel Rat-Scary individual who likes tight dark places were potential enemy may be hiding and sent into those places to find out, or small/slight individual(usually also of low rank) who's chosen for said mission whether he likes it or not. See also expendable, FNG, Cherry, etc.

Blue Ninja-Muslim woman with blue burka(sp?), usually seen begging on Afghan roads/streets. They are widows with no support.

White Ninja-Muslim woman with white burka. Reason unknown.

Ninja-Muslim woman in common black burka.

LN-Local National, indigenous population to local

TCN-Third County National-Non Military foreign national working in theater of operations (usually contracted).

360 Death Blossom-When all units engage entire 360 degree arc with maximum firepower. Usually lasts 60-90 seconds. SOP for USMC units on contact with anything, also used by units when flanked from multiple angles/surrounded/fighting out of kill zone/panicking(not usually controlled in this mode)

Tight 360-Usually used by dismounted Infantry/personnel. All personnel pull their sector of security, but instead of spreading out, the unit pulls in tight and inter locks one/or more legs with his buddy left/right of him. Usually used in small elements in limited visibility environments. Provides superior accountability, sense of support, passing of information quickly. Also provides a very fat target for area effect weapons (grenades, IDF, machine guns)

Blue Falcon/Bravo Foxtrot- Buddy Fucker. 'Nuff said. (see also "Buddy's only half a word...")

Hand of God-What you think you've witnessed after seeing Specter in action.

DiRT/DRT- Dismounted Reconnaissance Teams- Evil creatures used to find and ferret out Blue Forces at NTC (National Training Center). Indigenous to Ft. Irwin Ca. USA though reports (unverified) have spread of sightings outside this area. Leading initialed organizations, foreign/domestic governments, the UN, world wide military formations to declare a War on Terror (Al Qeada is just a scape goat).

Screw the pooch-To have messed up bad.

Mickey Mouse-Annoying garrison/strict and worthless regulation related activities. i.e. Parades, VIP formations, BN (or higher) "fun runs", most military paperwork,etc.). Also see Dog and Pony Show.

Ate Up- Screwed up, completely and utterly wrong, dumb/stupid. As in "That boy is ate up with the dumbass" "this situation is all ate up, nobodies where they're supposed to be" "try the radio-sorry partner it's all ate up, I can't reach anybody on it"

F**k it, we'll do it live-Statement made when higher command has tasked you with a mission with little to no planning/support/preparation.

Bad News- Battalion command net-Referred to because of what usually comes out over their net.

LBS-Lost Bigger'n S**t. See also Lima Lima Mike Foxtrot-Lost Like a Motherf**ker. See also Lt.'s got his compass out.

General They-The individual most blamed by Soldiers when operating under ambiguous orders or circumstances. As in "Who told you to do that Specialist?" " "They" told it was ok Sarn't".
Note-********This individual(s?) is still at large, identity unknown. If spotted immediately detain for questioning, and trial for untold counts of multiple charges.********

Smaj-(pronounced Smadge)-Sergeants' Major-Not recommended for use in hearing distance of any Sergeants Major. Though non derogatory, it not well looked upon by the species of mention. They are a fearsome, aggressive, insidious, and hateful breed with pronounced memories for vengeance. Use with caution.

Top Kick/Top-First Sergeant. Senior NCO of the company. Of the same species as the Sergeants Major (preparatory evolutionary stage). Though considered slightly less dangerous than Smaj's, they are more numerous an require a steady diet of Soldiers/Junior NCO's backsides & souls in order to fully evolve into Smaj's. Caution highly advised.

Gonaherpascyphylitis-Generic term for unknown ailments, or the assumed disease of all female of dubious/disreputable backgrounds (i.e. the gals we all wanted to find as young "studs" )

Ranger panties- Derived from the short, and tight, running shorts issued to members of the 75th Ranger Regt. for PT. Now used to describe any short & tight running shorts used by military personnel .

Rangerettes- Any female known for "dating" two or more Rangers. Females known to stake out usual Ranger haunts with expectation of snagging one for short, or long term use. Usually considered as exceptional Patriots!

and the hits just keep on coming....I will now be followed by my most esteemed colleague, the Honorable..........
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