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Old 03-24-2021, 06:54 PM
mmartin798 mmartin798 is offline
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Originally Posted by Slar View Post
Why did they nuke Prime, when capturing it was the goal?

Because someone realized what they had released, and that the EMP of the nuke was the only way to shut it down.
I would be inclined to think this was a hail mary to try and shut them down. UA is nanotech. If they are individual nanomachines once programmed, they would be very small and even the EMP from a nuke would not generate much voltage. I have read it would be on the scale of 0.1V. Now whether or not this would allow for enough power to be generated to pop the UA is far from a decided matter. The voltages needed to operate nanoscale logic gates are about 5 times that amount in current devices. But then again, how much power can a nanomachine handle where it is not expected? This could make UA immune to EMP. Directly applied current from a defibrillator would likely fry them.
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