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Old 10-28-2008, 01:25 AM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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The BTR-T is a true APC providing more efficient protection to a reduced number of troops. 2 vehicles will be needed per platoon. It can resist hand made anti tank weapons, heavy machine gun fire and probably the simplest RPGs.

From what I have read, the BMP-T would really be a type of gunship providing extra firepower to troops progressing in urban areas. It would use the gun to take out snipers, covered position and eventual helicopters. It will use the missiles to take out pillboxes or tanks. It will use the 2 grenade launchers to break infantry attacks or to provide close fire support. Remind me of the early WWI tanks. I was also surprised by the 5 men inside but the vehicle can be operated by 3 I think, as 2 crewmembers are manning the grenade launchers. With 3 it will be less efficient but still operative.

I would expect such vehicle to be used in front with troops progressing under cover behind it. An old efficient tactic used by the Russians since WWII. Of course, these are wild guess and I'm not sure at all.
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