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Old 12-03-2011, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by General Pain View Post
So , Great GM in the cosmos....

What is status of Eureka for the moment.

-refugee situation
-foreign reports
-foraging report
-scrounging report
- ruling counsil news
- local strongholds
-weather situation
-are there any good news,,,doubt it,but had to ask
-food(landshrimp) production
-guns for food program

Regarding earlier communiqe : I'm working on it.

Eureka 24.1.2020 Temperature -6 C*

Bitter winds swept the dillapidated waterfront houses with lashes of icy snow. It scraped along the boarded up windows and in cold gushes it blew out the fledgeling slut lamps made from rags and salvaged oil that were sooting in the corners of the few rooms still inhabited In Eureka. A lone figure was hauling a brace of plank and 2 by 4s back to wherever he had holed up. Just another Eureka citizen plundering one of the many abandonded houses for firewood.

General Benito Tecumseh Pain, protector of California, keeper of the true faith, master of the Praetorian guard and Lord of the Pacific rim gazed absentmindedly out into the evening of snowy winds where the man was struggling with his wood. Winter. Winter was upon them and it kept all living things huddeling in their caves for warmth. Well almost all. From time to time the hoarse shouts and bursts of baying breath of a raiding party running themselves ragged to catch somebody could be heard outside. More often than not the newly appointed and confirmed true leader of the Capitulus Primoris of the Cult of Pain and thus imperator of the Praetorian guard would order the light machine guns in the guard tower to give them a burst. Bad enough that they were penetrating Eurekas defenses every other week, but they were getting cheekily close to the compound.

The compound. That what was they were reduced to. Not an Arx Maximus or even a fort. Just a wore down, bulletholed burnt out artillery target compound with a few dozen trusted men.

His faithful had done well in the final battles of the 2nd American civil war. They had fought hard and vanquished the NDP in three consecutive battles along Highway 1. And then - just days before the counteroffensive was set to go - the shock. Reports of a major enemy force attacking. Their own commander eagerly massing their troops in advantageous terrain to get the bastards. Then the radios answering nothing but static. Next report in was from the headquarters staffs own recce squads. The main force was annihilated. Almost all of them killed in just 45 minutes. The rest hunted like animals by swarms of MOPPsuited NDP troops.Advancing through the blast zones from the neutron bombs like arogant stormtroopers. So sure of victory that they didnt even bother to take cover.And then the last defense - setting up perimeter outside Eureka to stop the NDP. Steely eyed Praetorians, grim faced Decorbas SSSAB troops, scared looking Eureka milita. Everybody shivering inside the sorely lacking NBC suits. Takeing up positions to hold them off. Standing to before dawn and the firefights as the NDP armour finally inched within range. The violent response - indiscriminately shelling the town followed by waves of attacking troops. But no neutron bombs. No nukes. Just the shelling. And the raids. A siege lasting over 2 months. In the end the last defenders were fixing bayonets and sharing handfulls of rounds between themselves in the moments before the enemy retreated. The defenders - now taking their last stand couldnt believe their eyes for days on end. One minute half the city is burning and the NDP troops are conducting battallion sized raids inside the city perimeter at will. The last resistance is a few scatterd pockets of under supplied, tired men. The next morning all is quiet. There is no sound of any enemy. They are gone. Vanished in the course of the night. The patrols later found tracks and stragglers heading south. Nobody knows why they disappeared. The snow storms ended any further pursuit.

Eureka was left a ruined town. Thousands died. His assets were badly hit. The bastard NDPs went after him with a purposeful vengance he had been told. The HQ, the Wolf Coy HQ, the warehouses and the production facilities were bombed. The House of Pain was even strafed with missile fire. At a time in histoory were mankinds last flights were taking off - the NDP saw fit to use some of them to attack his bar. He had to chuckle about that one.

All in all he was left with what his men could salvage from the wreckage. His stockpiles depleted. The landshrimp project was salvaged - in a way. The last batch of blaptipus scittering about in a converted aquarium in a corner of his office.

Eureka was a torn up place now. The airport and the harbour entrance were still held by WillisCorp remnants. They also had nominal control over outposts overlooking the main access to the town to the north east, east and south.

The City council backed by the battered survivors from Takashi clan and Milgov were trying to keep a semblance of control over the town proper. Every night though - its good folk sat shalf sleeping in their cold homes armed with whatever they had praying that their house would be spared the raiders attentions and that the neighbour would be hit instead of them. The council patrols were not an efficient deterrent. They never pursud into the woods after the last spate of ambushes there. Morale was low. Apparently some of the raiding parties were trained soldiers - Praetorians too.Proditori. A special death awaited those caught alive. As id di dthe other way around. Scouts had seen the staked and burned corpses of loyal Prateorianscaptured by the raoders.

General Pain turned to his quartermaster and asked him to repeat the last few chapters. He really hadnt been paying attention to the supply and intel briefing.

The quartermaster coughed and repeated:

"As for the further recruitment of peersonel this is unadvisable as the current supply situation can only be guaranteed for he next 2-3 months. After that personel reduction is probably necessary. This report is of course classified excellency."

So that was it. They were forced to fish, hunt and gather wood. He chuckled. Or have someone do that for them. Either way - as long as this winter lasted he wouldnt get produced much. Lack of fuel, lack of food, lack of ammo and small reserves. No contact with any outside organized areas and only sketchy intel on the few known surviving locations. Indeed - if winter dragged on who knows what they would eat in the end?

The report continued with unconfirmed reports:

Atascadero - an NDP bunkersystem housing thousands of fanatics.
LA-a howling concrete wilderness were his weird half brother was said to hold "POW-barbecues".
Free city of Orland -in desperate need of supplies
Bakersfield - rumours that bunkers almost endless stockpiles keep all citizens well fed and prosperous even in the face of nuclear attack.
and his favourite - talk of a king in the Sierras conquering all without anyone able to stand up against him
( and why would they? All the land was in anarchy and dssaray anyways- as long as the raiders were kept at bay who cares what form of goverment does it.)

And a dozen stories more like that. All unconfirmed of course. And no further information on the fabled caches of General Pain the older. He ached to go looking but.. Even the cost of a long range recce patrol was getting the quartermasters to buck these days.

And his doctor had said rest and food was necessary.

Outside a storm was gathering out at sea. It slowly crept towards the waterfront whipping everything in front of it with vicious winds. The enormous storm center visible out in the distance as distinct as a giant dark tower in the clouds covering its advance. He would have to relax for days it seemed, anyways.

Last edited by headquarters; 12-03-2011 at 07:38 PM.
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