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Old 09-16-2015, 08:50 AM
tsofian tsofian is offline
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Originally Posted by cosmicfish View Post
I am confused - only a fraction of the UA is tainted but it just happens to be the fraction that is used by all the members of PB? And Krell decides that if his miniscule sampling of captured Project personnel didn't get it, that it must be at the national HQ? Why would he assume that at all?

I genuinely have no idea what you are saying here. If UA has to be tuned to the person and the disease by a skilled medic with specific gear, how is Krell using it as anything other than a straight poison at all?
I'm not talking about UA at all. Let me refine this even more. The vaccine in question is a smallpox vaccine. Krell thought that everyone in the project would be vaccinated immediately prior to freezing. In this he was correct, but the lot of vaccine he contaminated was not used for that purpose, it was instead stockpiled at Prime Base. Against an engineered smallpox virus tests have shown that unless an additional dose of vaccine is adminstered either shortly before exposure or during the period in whcih profilaxis is effective the immune response is not strong enough to totally fight off the infection.

The Krell operatives infect any Morrow team members they capture with smallpox, knowing that at some point they may get lucky and the Project may uncork the tainted vaccine. This is exactly what happens at Prime Base.

Krell suspects this is Prime Base in Nevada but is not certain. He had enough reason to believe it was an important base to send substantial resources (the aggitators, the virus and a nuclear weapon-he can't have a whole lot of those laying about). He may have done similar things to other locations as well. That isn't stated one way or another in canon.

After all activity in the area ceases, and Krell can't be certain it was the virus, the nuke, a combination of both or something else entirely, he will be watchful. The area had substantial Morrow activity for a sustained period (months?) and there were more active individual Morrow Project members than would be represented by a single team. This means either a combined Group or a base. No Krell operatives saw any typical field team vehicles even though they looked for them, so a base seemed more likely.

Even after the events in Nevada Krell is not certain that it was Prime Base. It could have been a regional base or something else. What is certain is that the wake up calls were not sent on time. The Krell intelligence organization believes that for some reason the location that should have sent out the recall notifications is non functional. It may be that the events in Nevada are related. It may be something entirely different.

So to sum this up
Krell attempted to wipe out the entire Project with tainted smallpox vaccine and failed
The vaccine was stockpiled at Prime Base
Krell, knowing that the vaccine might still be someplace routinely infected Morrow Project members thought likely to be in contact with numbers of other project members with smallpox. If there was no vaccine available they would become very ill an possibly die, and would possibly infect other project people. They would possible infect random survivors and lead to a legend (often retold by Krell operatives) that anyone wearing a Morrow Project uniform was a plague bearer and possibly the infected project members would get back to a base or THE BASE and trigger a mass vaccination with the tainted vaccine.
This was mostly an effort to make lemonaid out of lemons, since the original plan to wipe out the project in one fell swoop failed.
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