Thread: Franken-AFVs
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Old 06-18-2020, 11:29 AM
Olefin Olefin is offline
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Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic View Post
One of the most important things to consider here is turret ring size. Will the borrowed turret even fit the vehicle? Will you have to make a new deck & turret ring to fit the borrowed turret to the hull?
After that are the various requirements for turret rotation (mechanical, electrical, manual, etc. etc.) and installing the needed components.
Before that you have to find out whether the vehicle (or turret if giving it a different weapon) can handle the recoil of the weapon because that would mean extra gear to counter recoil forces.
Then there's the ammunition feed & storage. They will have to be changed to accommodate the different ammo requirement.
If you're just cramming a different (and larger calibre) weapon into the vehicle's standard turret, how crowded will this new weapon make the turret?

It's for all these reasons that I suggest making this sort of conversion a side-adventure for any Players who want to convert a vehicle. Finding a vehicle already converted is a different situation and I'm not attempting to address that.
An excellent post - and would make an interesting exercise for the players and the GM to thru as a way to have to gather the materials and expertise to do that - let alone the facility you would need to be able to do something like that

I could see players who are adventuring in CA possibly doing this in conjunction with the facility that Littlefield had - i.e. if anyone has the expertise to make a working FrankenAFV its him and his mechanics - and they had the facility - now its up to the players to get the parts he needs
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