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Old 07-21-2012, 12:20 AM
manunancy manunancy is offline
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Originally Posted by jester View Post

That is my point on how to mount a defence. Force the attackers to come in at close quarters and break up their cohesion as well as limit their numbers which will reduce their effectiveness. And in the end if you have to rat through a maze while under the eye of even the greenest of folks they will be able to take a pot shot at you. And if they are using ALOT of buckshot well, they will take casualties.

Then if the stronghold is on a raised section nothing like a vault over an open area which sucks for you and gives you the same danger and chances if you are a seal or a member of the local boys chior. The risk is the same.

And the same goes if you want to STOP! Crawl to the EDGE to get a view and a shot. You will stand out, you will be a target and most likely have some lead thrown your way which is usualy an unhealthy proposition.
Even worse here would be grenades - in that sort of trench warfare situation they get really nasty and care even less about aiming. They also have th neat feature that you can lob them over your cover without exposing yourself. Even better, inculde some inclined pipe drains sections into your earthworks to get your grenades in place without the need for even minimal throwing experience.

Here a well equiped attacker relying on grenade launchers would be be worse off as they can'tbe used at that sort of range. thoough they would probably have hand greandes of their own.

No matter what, it(s going to ne messy.
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