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Old 10-07-2022, 02:14 PM
Andrew Andrew is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 3

Hi! The original Morrow Project was very Americentric and had a target hit list and stated that a computer error ensured that we shot first thus were likely to have killed our targets with more efficiency than we received. I think somewhere in canon it mentioned that other nuke owners expended their devices on their enemies. Quite the disaster for the N. hemisphere to be sure. In the 80’s the sites Gelrir noted may be likely if it was meant to be a winnable war but I saw the impression that it was meant to be total war thus infrastructure was not as targeted as much as military and leadership sites. A spot that almost screams for a nuke or three then and even more now is Guam, you may have counted that as America, also the rest of the world is likely to suffer to a high degree if the northern nations suddenly stopped their aid programs, starvation, disease, etc..
I think the nukes will be a massive disaster in themselves but the follow up will probably kill more.
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