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Old 11-29-2008, 03:39 PM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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That's a point I overlooked, however, I don't really see how you can compare tanks from early WWII with tanks from nowadays. To me it sounds a bit like comparing bow and arrows with assault rifle. Actually, from the given list I can rank every tank first, depending on the time period, on the location and on the given model (for exemple Pz IVC to J). As a rersult, the best way I found to rank them was "how much I love the beast".

For exemple, the M1 proved to be the best tank in open field (1991 and 2003) but it never had to face a tank of its class (unlike the M60 Patton). Since, it can be assumed that it suffers more in urban settings (80 tanks lost in Iraq but I find the crew survival rate outstanding). The Merkava proved very good (even better) in that kind of theater until the last israeli offensive over lebanon. Then, nobody knows how the Abrams would perform in front of the tactics used by the hezbollah. Moreover, Lebanon is not Iraq and the ground is more difficult. Abrams have been used in Open (almost flat) deserts, what about mud, jungle, mountainous setting, Siberia... The only thing you can add is that it performed well also during peace mission in Bosnia and Kosovo but that was also the case for the Leclerc.

Comparing tanks is always hard.
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