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Old 11-28-2020, 12:27 AM
mpipes mpipes is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 290

Yay....about those mechanics....where do I start.

I am not a fan so far. Yes, I have bitched over the years about the attribute and skill ratings and rules in V 1, 2, 2.1, and 2.2, but they are absolutely first rate compared to these!! I was hoping for something at least a bit more D&Dish that was a bit more intuitive, but alas that hope has been dashed.

The A, B, C, and D drivel is just that.....not at all intuitive. I was wanting to see a more straightforward set of attributes built around Strength, Constitution, Agility, Dexterity, Charisma, and Intelligence with Education being more akin to a learned skill and tied to Intelligence. Still not sure how to roll for anything. Skill bonuses seem to make sense, but not sure they allow for truly exceptional (like my current PC Sniper "Morg" Cole - 56 kills in the Campaign - 17 skill overall in Rifle).

Weapon rating system. Clunky and non-intuitive. GDW much easier to understand. Meters and kilos. And the ratings are far from intuitive (a .50 BMG M82 is Damage 4 while a 7.62 M21 is Damage 3 and a 14.6mm KPV is a Damage 4 - I just don't buy that) I just don't like the combat damage system as presented. The Critical rules look very promising. Vehicle combat looks a mess, but I am just tired at this point.

I could go on, but I think I will leave it to others to flesh it all out. I just don't find it intuitive. You'll have players going back and forth constantly to the rules and forever bickering about that "not sounding right." And alas, the KPV 14.5mm IS MUCH MORE POWERFUL (about twice more) than a .50 - that's just physics. Not sure what these guys are using, but their conversion formula is either far too coarse or just plain wrong.
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