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Old 05-24-2009, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b
We're (I'm guessing) talking about light infantry here, so the way we did it at the 82nd was that we had a 60mm mortar team attached to us from the Weapons Platoon, and everyone carried four rounds in addition to his normal gear. We also had a machinegun team attached to us (gunner and 2 A-gunners) that were part of the platoon. Antiarmor assets consisted of just about everyone carrying an M-136, and one squad member with a Dragon (these were pre-Javelin days) and two other troops carrying spare rounds. (I kept getting the Dragon in my younger days -- when I first got to the 82nd, I was the only one in the platoon with a C2 designator.) The TOW guys had HMMWVs with TOW launchers on them, and they scooted around as needed; the same as the 81mm mortar teams.
THank you Paul,

I think I'll create a Heavy weapons section then, composed of a motar team, and anti-armor team... i'll spend some time thinking of how to set them up... hum... might be fun coming up with the two additional sections, or put the heavy weapons team with the platoon vehicle section, since they would be held in reserve carrying all the platoon equipment and supplies.
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