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Old 04-06-2009, 07:44 AM
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Legbreaker Legbreaker is offline
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I'm not so sure there would have been any significant hostility between the USA and USSR at that time. The war in Europe after all was effectively instigated by German concerns and the US was simply drawn in due to NATO treaty obligations. Yes, there's more to it than that I'm sure, but when you break it down, it's really just that.

So there's little need in mid 1996 for the USSR to boycott or infiltrate. A few months later on the other hand and the situation changes dramatically! In fact, I feel the Soviets would make a point of sending as strong a team as they could to show the world, China specifically, that even though they were in the midst of a major war, they could still muster the cream of their athletes and beat the world in sport.

China would probably be doing likewise and you can just imagine the heat between the two nations when they meet on the playing fields....

Now espionage between those two countries could almost be taken for granted with it ranging from relatively mild (switching athletes blood and urine samples with drug laced ones) up to possibly extreme (assassination attempts). It'd definately keep the US security teams on their toes!
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