Thread: Personal Gear
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Old 11-27-2010, 08:03 AM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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I recall you once made a great case against coveralls and having to get out of them simply to go to the bathroom!
What can I say! Coveralls made no sense then and they still don't make sense...unless you want to add a zip-lock flap or something!

The Basic Issue seems to lack basics like a towel, boonie hat, etc. Could be implicitly included, I guess, with the underwear and rain gear, but still annoying.
The canon basic kit has so many issues with it, I've never agreed with anything about it; from the weight, to its contents. I've packed more useful gear in a ruck for a FTX!

One problem is that with a large allowable personal gear allowance, some players have the immediate urge to basically ditch almost everything MP-related (beret, coveralls, weapon if allowed) and "go native" or at least end up looking like some survivalist nut-job or US Army deserter. Hey, if the Project thought this was a good idea, they would have allowed personnel almost complete freedom to pack their own kit.

Instead, I believe a consistent Project image and "brand identity" should be maintained. This isn't just something common to the military, many companies enforce a dress code and code of behaviour not just to be control freaks but because they somehow calculate there is a tangible or intangible benefit to doing so.

Not all Project issue makes sense and there are puzzling lapses. (See the wide-brimmed hat/towel above, not to mention wider issue of NODs and Kevlar vests. That's just another thing that makes TMP a distinctive RPG, not all the choices are the "best possible" under all circumstances.
IMO, the Project would issue the best gear it had at the time the team is frozen. Ranging from that extra case of toilet paper, to NVGs, Kevlar vests/helmets, all the way to something as "useless" as sandbags. The intent is to use the gear as a force multiplier so that a small team has the maximum possible effect on the survivors.
The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.

Last edited by kato13; 11-27-2010 at 08:14 AM.
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