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Old 12-01-2020, 10:08 AM
pansarskott pansarskott is offline
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Posts: 31

To be fair, V1 doesn't have that much info on non-US military. Weapons in use by other countries, and languages spoken. A list of Soviet republics. No non-US ranks at all (which V4 has)

V 1 Play Manual:
Players may choose to be Americans or Europeans, at their option. Since all armies practice considerable local recruiting and have picked up deserters from the other side, a U.S. unit could contain virtually any nationality. However, it is recommended that at least half of the unit be American. Europeans, although they are with the group, are not technically in the U.S. Army; the unit is technically under the command of the highest ranking American, despite the ranks of any European characters.

A person from Europe would call earlier versions very USA-centric. It all depends on the perspective.

Last edited by pansarskott; 12-01-2020 at 10:24 AM.
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