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Old 07-25-2018, 02:54 PM
tsofian tsofian is offline
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Posts: 342

Why do you assume that BEM was working in a single timeline? If he knew everything about the future how did everything get so FUBAR? Is this the best Bruce could put together?

If Bruce has too much specific information about the future there end up being a lot of questions. Did he know how the war started? If so could he not have prevented it? How did he let Prime get knocked out? Could he have stopped Krell?

Instead, I have always felt that is an ever-branching river. Ever decision point leads to a new path. Infinite numbers of BEMs move through infinite iterations of the multiverse. In some, the War comes far earlier than in others. In some, it NEVER happens. In some, the Project hops right out of bed and gets to it. Two other versions are the versions in print, classic and current.

This also means that every PD is playing in their own version of the realities BEM was trying to prepare for the future.
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